Drip irrigation is the most efficient method of irrigating. While sprinkler systems are around 75-85% efficient, drip systems typically are 90% or higher. What that means is much less wasted water! For this reason drip is the preferred method of irrigation in the desert regions of the United States.
The benefits of drip irrigation:
- It is useful almost anywhere.
- Easy to install.
- Easy to design.
- It can be very inexpensive.
- It can reduce disease problems associated with high levels of moisture on some plants.
Drip irrigation (sometimes called trickle irrigation) works by applying water slowly, directly to the soil, bloop, bleep, bloop, bleep. The high efficiency of drip irrigation results from two primary factors.
-1st: The water soaks into the soil before it can evaporate or run off.
-2nd: The water is only applied where it is needed, (at the plant's roots) rather than sprayed everywhere. While drip systems are simple and pretty forgiving of errors in design and installation.